

We believe in the positive transformational power of street art.

In 2009, OnTheLevel Productions emerged as a project with a clear social, solidarity, and service-oriented component. Through Graffiti Street Art, we relentlessly seek to facilitate awareness of the innate abilities we all possess, as well as the impact of our actions on society.

In our artistic projects, we collaborate with schools, youth centres, local councils, foundations, and organizations dedicated to social causes, using urban art as a catalyst for positive regeneration, the recovery of historical memory, and social and community awareness and cohesion. Get in touch with us if you work in such an organization and want to learn more on how we can collaborate.


Below you can find some of the projects where we feel we’ve being able to contribute the most:

Connecting Comunities

We developed this project in collaboration with the Greater London railway authority, facilitating conscious graffiti workshops for students at 12 schools, who created murals representing the historical legacy and their vision of the communities they live in.

The artworks were displayed at their local train stations, with a profound hope: to provoke internal reflection and moments of contemplation for those who, due to circumstances, see suicide on the railk tracks as the only option. If a beautiful mural can make just one person reconsider, it will have been worth it.

Fighting youth crime

Fights and violence between youth gangs and knife crimes among young people are unfortunately common in London. In this project, we collaborated with the Newham Borough Council and the Metropolitan Police by facilitating an awareness workshop on this issue.

Dozens of young people, aged 6 to 18, participated in creating murals, customizing T-shirts advocating for a better future, and sharing their views on the current issues and how they affect their lives and the communities they live in with their families.

Tag & Skank

In collaboration with ReeLife Mentors, we developed this 6-week program in which our mentors worked with the students on organizing and staging the graduation party.

Throughout the different sessions, we developed designs and murals for the stage, customized T-shirts and outfits for performances, and all the staging of the party, where the young people were undoubtedly the stars of the show.

Clash – BBC

We created the backdrop mural for the BBC series “Clash,” where the presenters explore different neighbourhoods in London in search of young musical talents to support them in launching their careers.

Urban Art projects

Let’s work together

We thrive when getting involved in projects where urban art and graffiti becomes a catalyst for positive transformation of people, cities, and society at large. Contact us if you believe we can contribute to your initiative, we’ll be so thrilled just to listen to your ideas.