Tag & Skank

Tag & Skank

Urban Art for the school graduation

For this project, we faced the challenge of using urban art to create the entire aesthetic image for the students’ graduation show. We worked with them throughout the creative process, focusing on various elements of their personal development and group cohesion.

In collaboration with ReeLife Mentors, we developed a 6-week program where our mentors guided the students in organizing and staging their graduation party. This included deep dives into task management, communication, cooperation, and building self-esteem and a sense of achievement towards their goal.
Throughout the different sessions, we worked with them on designs and murals for the stage, personalized t-shirts and outfits for the performances, and the entire setup of the event. The students, undoubtedly, were the stars of the show.

Let’s work together

We thrive when getting involved in projects where urban art and graffiti becomes a catalyst for positive transformation of people, cities, and society at large. Contact us if you believe we can contribute to your initiative, we’ll be so thrilled just to listen to your ideas.